Mekugi-Nuki for Japanese Swords

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Product Description for Mekugi-Nuki for Japanese Swords

Maker: Misc Makers (click to see more by this maker)
Item num: 84814
Total length: 5.00 in.
Blade height (at heel): 0.78 in.
Blade thickness (near bolster): 0.66 in.
Item weight: 1.76 oz.
Shipment weight: 2.24 oz.
Description: Our mekugi-nuki is formed from solid brass and combines a small hammer and awl. It is used to remove the mekugi (pin) from the mekugi-ana. When shirasaya leave Japan, they often shrink slightly, making removal of the pin very difficult without this tool.

Availability: Not currently available